How to Disable / Enable autostart for KVM guests

ubuntu@kvm:~$ virsh autostart vm-name-1

disabling auto start 

ubuntu@kvm:~$ virsh autostart vm-name-1 --disable

you can do the same thing by entering into virsh shell 

ubuntu@kvm:~$ virsh

Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.

Type: 'help' for help with commands 
      'quit' to quit 

virsh # list 
Id Name State 
2 vm-name-1 running 
3 vm-server2 running 
4 vm-server3 running 

virsh # autostart vm-name-1 
Domain node1 marked as autostarted 

virsh # autostart vm-name-1 --disable 
Domain node1 unmarked as autostarted 

virsh #
Big thanks to this blog author