Yedekleme için Kısa bilgiler


@echo off
REM # To install:
REM # 
REM # (windows 7): 
REM # Goto Start->Run.  Type in shell:sendto
REM # Save as Backup.bat 
REM # 
REM # To use:
REM #  right click on the folder you want to backup and click on the batch file
REM #  in the sendto menu.
REM # 
REM # Example:
REM # 
REM # If you are in this folder and run the script on Production folder a
REM #  backup of the folder is placed in 
REM #  X:\App\Prod\Backups\
REM # 

set year=%date:~-4,4%
set month=%date:~-7,2%
set day=%date:~-10,2%
set hour=%time:~-11,2%
set hour=%hour: =0%
set min=%time:~-8,2%

set destination=%~dp0

set source="%~1\*"
set dest="%destination%Backup\%zipfilename%"

set AppExePath="C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"

if not exist %AppExePath% goto notInstalled

echo Backing up %source% to %dest%

%AppExePath% a %dest% %source%
xcopy %dest% e:\

echo %source% backed up to %dest% is complete!

goto end


echo Can not find 7-Zip, please install it from:
